They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
- Andy Warhol
It's easy to fall into the trap of waiting for change. Waiting for things to get better, waiting for someone or something to make us happier, thinner, richer, more positive...insert your *wish* here ______.
But the truth is if you want something to change you've got to change it yourself.
This is good news because THAT is an empowering thought and as you all know,
"you are what you think."
The other good news is that it starts NOW in this present moment because that is all there really is.
So, whatever it is you want to change forget "seize the day" and seize this very moment my friends.
Be that change NOW!
Sat Nam
( Kundalini yoga mantra meaning "Truth is my Identity"...and it's yours too by the way:-)